Articles about: Economy

This category is for talking about economics, always more or less linked to Tech.

What is software as a service?
What is software as a service?

91 reads
Level: Beginner

It's hot out there, ah yes, but no, that's not the topic of the day ... are you okay? This week we're back to the notion of "software as a service", or to put it more "stylishly" (or not), "Software as a Service" abbreviated as "SaaS". When Microsoft announced Windows 10, they said "this will be the latest version of Windows, it will be a SaaS" ... OK well, what about the upcoming arrival of Windows 11? ????. What? I'm looking for the little beast? I don't know what you're talking about ......

Ludovic Frank - Freelance developer
Ludovic Frank
Jun 21, 2021
Why isn't the Internet free?
Why isn't the Internet free?

91 reads
Level: Beginner

Yes, I'm back this week... Did you miss me? No, well ... ? Another thorny subject this week, I'm often asked: "Hey, do you know a free web host? How do you make a site for free? ... etc." So here I'm going to explain why what we think is free isn't, and more importantly, why we think it is. Everything on the Internet is free - where does that come from? The Internet is a medium, and like many media before it, its business model is based on advertising, often aimed at individuals (there'...

Ludovic Frank - Freelance developer
Ludovic Frank
Jun 15, 2021