Ludovic Frank - Freelance developer

Did you know that there are posting algorithms on social networks? How do they influence your views?

ionicons-v5-k Ludovic Frank Apr 5, 2021
88 reads Level: Beginner

New week, new article, how are you?
Well, the title isn't crazy, we agree, but SEO and all that ...
You're present on social networks, you have subscribers, relations ... etc. (in short, there are people in your network!), but when you publish something, your publication reaches few people ... so you ask yourself "But WHY? "I'd say, "That's just the way it is, life's unfair", but that'd be pointless and would evade the question....

Social networks are private companies

I think it's worth pointing out that social networks are not associations under the 1901 law, and even less so public institutions. social networks are the products of private companies with their own objectives, and their aim is clearly not to promote your company for free.
On the contrary, their business models are based on charging companies for their visibility. Ah well, now ... it's not so funny.

The silent majority and the noisy minority

I can already see you going, "What's he talking about? Back in confinement and already cracking up? ".
Well, don't worry, he won't crack for another week or two... we've got plenty of time!
On every article, publication, video ... that you see on the internet, there are a lot of people who "consume" without putting a "like" or "dislike" or comment, that's what I call the silent majority.For example, on this article, far more people read it than clicked on the "like" button or left me a comment.
The people who leave a comment, click on "like" or share are the noisy minority.

Reach or organic reach

You've heard of these terms before, right?
Organic reach is the number of times your publication is viewed on a social network. How many people have you actually reached? You might have 10,000 subscribers on your Facebook page, or 10,000 connections on Linked IN, but only 500 people saw your last publication after a week ... and then you think "Yes, but why? it's po juste".

The social networking algorithm

Remember the noisy minority (or else we'll have to do something ... because that was a paragraph ago ... ?)?
This minority is the basis of the propagation algorithm on networks. When you publish something, the network will first present it to a small number of your followers, and ifthere's very little reaction, then your publication will easily fall into oblivion, next to the same forgotten internet...
(You know ... where there are all the cats that made us laugh for 10 minutes and that we've all forgotten since ...).

Now's the time when you've just had an epiphany ... "Ah! That's why Youtubers encourage liking or commenting" or "OK, that's why to get access to this great PowerPoint presentation on Linkedin I have to ask for it in a comment".
(If anyone has the stats on the number of presentations obtained versus the number of comments, I think it must be "interesting"...)

Social networks want to keep users captive

The aim of a social network is to keep you on its platform as long as possible. The longer you stay on it, the more advertising you see, and therefore the more profitable it is.
Do you know what I mean? No ?
Take two identical publications, one containing a link to an external site (this article for example) and the other the same publication, but without the link.
What happened? The one without the link was viewed far more times than the one with it.
Normally, the one with the link encourages users to leave the network, whereas the other doesn't.


Have you made it this far? BRAVO!
Social networks are tools, they enable a lot of things, but like everything else they have their advantages and their drawbacks. Using a social network well enables a lot of things, but to do that you need to understand its mechanisms.
PS: Any comments on how to increase organic reach?