Here, we're talking about general development, desktop applications, server code, etc.
85 reads
Level: Beginner
Last time, I told you about CI/CD right here I don't know if you thought it was cool, but today we're going to talk about Git itself. "You've already explained to us, though, that it's meant to deploy our code online, is there anything else?" Yes, CI/CD is only part of what Git can be used for. Indeed, its primary use is versioning. Behind this rather barbaric name lies something that is both very useful and almost magical. Yes, it is. "What's this guy trying to sell us now? Noth...
112 reads
Level: intermediate
Just like Github or Docker, most of today's developers have come across this strange collection of letters. Well, today we're going to tell you what it means, what it is and what it's for! Continuous Integration(CI) and Continuous Deployment(CD) are steps in the versioning of your code. In fact, if you'd like us to explain versioning, Git and all that follows in another article, don't hesitate to let us know! Continuous integration This stage consists of carrying out a battery of te...
90 reads
Level: Beginner
How are you? Last week, the "Ludo Dev E-Shop" explanatory page was released. On this page, it's explained that the emphasis has been placed on the user experience, and that everything has been done to try and keep the experience as simple as possible. Behind this interface, there's a lot of technology (full automation), but is this technology alone enough? In this week's article, we're going to talk about the user experience, and how to make it a pleasant one. For this, I'm going to use t...
87 reads
Level: Beginner
What's that? What do you mean "I like thorny subjects"? Well, no ... it's just that I'm tired of reading anything ... Otherwise, how are you? Do you "coo" (yes, from the verb "coo"...) quietly during your vacations? Oh, no vacation? Well, so much the worse? Well, back to the point (big, big expression...), this article came to me from the realization that my job is often misunderstood and often I see things ... it's complicated. So why am I taking the liberty of writing about it? Well,...