Articles about: Tech tips

Useful tips in the tech world

My top apps on Setapp
My top apps on Setapp

111 reads

Hey, good morning 😁! Thanks for clicking on this article 😛. This week we're going to talk a bit about application, not the one I code, but the one I use 😁. Are you ready? Then let's get started. The world is changing... and so are business models Have you noticed? No ? Yes, you have 😁. In the software industry, subscription has become the norm. Gone are lifetime licenses... well, if they still exist, but hey, your version will soon be "obsolete",...

Ludovic Frank - Freelance developer
Ludovic Frank
Oct 1, 2024
Which environment for MacOS development?
Which environment for MacOS development?

113 reads

Today, we're going to talk about something that's of paramount importance to every developer: his machine! So I see you're coming, we're not going to debate which one is the best or which OS is superior to the others. 😛 Here, we'll simply give you some advice on the best tools on the Mac to get the most out of it. Homebrew, the genius in the Bottle Homebrew is the essential package manager for MacOS. It simplifies the installation, updating and management of software on your...

Josselin Dionisi - Freelance developer
Josselin Dionisi
Nov 6, 2023
Why use an online bank?
Why use an online bank?

97 reads

For once, I'm not going to talk purely about web development, but rather about the digital lifestyle? A few years ago, there was a lot of talk about online banking. I must admit that I fell for it at the time (and following a lot of advice too, because marketing isn't everything?) and created an account with N26. The conclusion? I still use it as a secondary account today. Online banking VS traditional banking Tech people understand each other when it comes to getting things done...

Josselin Dionisi - Freelance developer
Josselin Dionisi
May 8, 2023
Apple Watch: Be notified when a service is offline
Apple Watch: Be notified when a service is offline

74 reads
Level: Beginner

Hello there! Today's article is going to be quite short, but practical. In my little life as a freelance developer, I have to monitor my customers' applications and websites to make sure they're up and running, including the site you're currently on.... So I don't miss a single incident, the device that alerts me if there's the slightest problem with one of the services I manage is on my wrist... and yes, it's the Apple Watch. Basically, I'm someone who doesn't like notifications; they t...

Ludovic Frank - Freelance developer
Ludovic Frank
May 1, 2023
How do I block unwanted calls?
How do I block unwanted calls?

102 reads

Hello, hello?. This week, we're going to talk about a subject that bothers us all. We've all received at least one in our lives, and for some of us (like me, for example), it's easily 10 or so a day. That's all well and good, but for the sake of sound mental health, let's take a look at how to block these calls, and thus remove unhelpful distractions. If the line belongs to a company If the phone line belongs to a company, that company has fewer options for blocking these calls, sin...

Ludovic Frank - Freelance developer
Ludovic Frank
Apr 24, 2023
How do I manipulate images using the command line?
How do I manipulate images using the command line?

350 reads
Level: Confirmed beginner

Hello there! In the web world, images are everywhere. Whether to illustrate an article, create a banner or retouch a photo, images are an essential part of the web. To manipulate them, we often use software such as GIMP, or Inkscape (which is great for PNGs). But it's also possible to do lots of things with the command line, and the Linuxian in me is delighted with this option? The really cool thing about using the CLI is that you can automate image processing, for example, by writing jus...

Ludovic Frank - Freelance developer
Ludovic Frank
Apr 11, 2023
How to capture your screen as an animated GIF?
How to capture your screen as an animated GIF?

125 reads
Level: Beginner

Hello, hello?, The last article was about PowerToys and how they improve productivity in Windows. To make this article more fun, I thought it might be a good idea to capture my screen and give it to you as a GIF... So, in this week's article, we're going to look at how to capture your screen in GIF format, on Windows and macOS. Yes, we're doing an "articleCeption" here, having as much fun as we can? Are you ready? Let's get started! Capturing your screen in GIF format, on Windows...

Ludovic Frank - Freelance developer
Ludovic Frank
Apr 3, 2023
How can I improve my Windows productivity?
How can I improve my Windows productivity?

116 reads

Hello Hello ?, Windows isn't my main operating system, in fact I'm more Linux / macOS, but that doesn't stop me from following what's going on with Windows and using it from time to time. It has to be said that Microsoft's work over the last few years has been quite remarkable; between the terminal, "WSL 2" and "Powershell", there's plenty to do. This week, I'd like to talk a little about "PowerToys", a set of tools made available by Microsoft to enhance the Windows experience. As the...

Ludovic Frank - Freelance developer
Ludovic Frank
Mar 15, 2023
Arc, the browser for power-users?
Arc, the browser for power-users?

111 reads
Level: Beginner

Hey there! 🙂 To read this article, you use a software, this software is so present in your life that now, for you it seems "part of the scenery". I'm talking, of course, about your browser 😛. Over the last ten years, we're not going to lie to ourselves, there's been one all-category champion who's been raking in all the market share, well, especially on the "desktop", I'm talking of course about Google Chrome. On mobile, this is less true, with Apple forcing the use of...

Ludovic Frank - Freelance developer
Ludovic Frank
Feb 20, 2023
What applications do I use on a daily basis?
What applications do I use on a daily basis?

114 reads

Hello and good morning, This week I'm going to give you a short list of the applications I use on a daily basis, and more importantly ... why? First of all, I'm not talking about licenses here, and even less about commercial practices. Yes, I know that in this article I'm going to talk about companies that have commercial practices that not everyone agrees with, but I'm not going to deal with that, so try to keep that in mind when reading this article. How do I choose my tools? Actual...

Ludovic Frank - Freelance developer
Ludovic Frank
Jun 13, 2022