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A microservice for generating QR codes
A microservice for generating QR codes

83 reads
Category: Web development
Level: Confirmed beginner

Hey there 😁, Thank you for clicking on this article, I hope you like it 😉. Well, uh... aren't we supposed to be in spring right now? No, because it's cold in the Far East... Ah yes, that's right, we're still not here for it 😮, guess I'm doing it on purpose huh 😛 (yes, I'm totally doing it on purpose). This week it's going to be a cool little article, the big articles will come back, don't worry, but this week, we're just going to go for a microservice...

Ludovic Frank - Freelance developer
Ludovic Frank
Apr 1, 2024
My transition to Docker
My transition to Docker

82 reads
Category: Web development
Level: intermediate

Ah Docker! I've been hearing about it for years, but like many people (I think) I hadn't yet taken the plunge. I'd read several articles on this technology, and even looked at the official documentation to try and tweak a few things, but it was still too vague for me. First of all, what is Docker? It's (almost) magic in the sense that you don't need to worry about your server configuration, your OS or your version of PHP, Node, React ... in short. You just code on your machine, and miracu...

Josselin Dionisi - Freelance developer
Josselin Dionisi
Dec 7, 2020
Why not use the same password several times?
Why not use the same password several times?

82 reads
Category: Computer security
Level: Confirmed beginner

It's a widespread practice, and understandably so: dozens or even hundreds of different passwords to remember, it's complicated. Nevertheless, you should be aware that it's a very bad practice that can one day turn against you, and as I say, prevention is better than cure. How are passwords entered on sites and applications? Before we understand why it's a bad idea to use the same password everywhere, we need to understand how and/or where your passwords are stored. What happens whe...

Ludovic Frank - Freelance developer
Ludovic Frank
Feb 16, 2021
What is the Hacker Spirit?
What is the Hacker Spirit?

82 reads
Category: Brico Hack
Level: Confirmed

Oh no, did he say hacker, like too dark, behind black screens and all? Actually, no, in people's minds, a "hacker" is malicious and does some pretty uncool stuff, but actually, no. Hackers are already divided into "white hats" and "black hats", the former being harmless, while the latter are not so nice. This week, we're going to talk about the "hacker spirit". Of course, that's my own definition, and others will have other visions? My definition of the hacker spirit A hack is a "d...

Ludovic Frank - Freelance developer
Ludovic Frank
May 9, 2022
How about a new side project?
How about a new side project?

82 reads
Category: About Ludo

Hey, hello there 🙂, Say, doesn't it smell a little like spring right now? 😛. Ah yes, I digress... that's not why we're here 😮. This week, we're going to talk about "Side Projects", those little projects that are basically there for fun and sometimes become big. Indeed, if you follow this blog, you'll know that they're at the heart of my life... Developers and Side Projects Before anything else, I'd like to take the time to talk about the relationship betwee...

Ludovic Frank - Freelance developer
Ludovic Frank
Mar 20, 2024
How do you put your local project online?
How do you put your local project online?

81 reads
Category: Web development
Level: Confirmed

Like any dev, I sometimes want to test small pieces of code, make an example landing page to test a service or API... In short, there are many cases where you just want to try something out, without it being a full-fledged project. To do this, of course, we run our development environment on our own machine, "locally". Let the world benefit from our local project Okay, that's all well and good, but what if we need to access this local code from the outside? And yes, it can happen...

Josselin Dionisi - Freelance developer
Josselin Dionisi
Apr 1, 2021
What is git and versioning?
What is git and versioning?

81 reads
Category: Development
Level: Beginner

Last time, I told you about CI/CD right here I don't know if you thought it was cool, but today we're going to talk about Git itself. "You've already explained to us, though, that it's meant to deploy our code online, is there anything else?" Yes, CI/CD is only part of what Git can be used for. Indeed, its primary use is versioning. Behind this rather barbaric name lies something that is both very useful and almost magical. Yes, it is. "What's this guy trying to sell us now? Noth...

Josselin Dionisi - Freelance developer
Josselin Dionisi
Mar 25, 2022
How do I distribute my articles on LinkedIn?
How do I distribute my articles on LinkedIn?

81 reads
Category: Brico Hack
Level: intermediate

Hey there 😁, Thanks for clicking on this article, it's changing a bit, but I hope you like it 🙂. This week, we're going to talk about social networks, well especially one, it's LinkedIn, many of you read me on the blog, but some of you are on LinkedIn.... Basically, this article was also intended for Twitter (they say you have to say X now), but on X, there's no problem, the algorithm doesn't seem to limit the reach of tweets containing a link (according to my research)...

Ludovic Frank - Freelance developer
Ludovic Frank
Jun 3, 2024
A few things you need to know about Powershell on Linux
A few things you need to know about Powershell on Linux

80 reads
Category: Development
Level: Confirmed

Hello, hello 🙂. Thanks for clicking on this article 😁, for the record, it will be less condensed than the last one, this week, we're going softer 😛. Basically, I'm not familiar with Powershell, I'm more in the world of penguins and all that... but a few months ago, I had to work with Powershell ... and Linux. Today, I'd like to tell you a little about my experience of this adventure, take this article as a little story from a guy who didn't know Powershell, but...

Ludovic Frank - Freelance developer
Ludovic Frank
Sep 9, 2024
How to change DNS servers on Ubuntu server?
How to change DNS servers on Ubuntu server?

79 reads
Category: System administration
Level: Beginner

Hello ?, This week's article is based on something that happened to me recently. During an Ubuntu server update, it seems that the bind9 package, after the update, started to crash after a while. The problem is that on this machine, I need DNS resolution, as it hosts services that need to complicate with other online services like Stripe. So I end up with a call informing me that when it comes to entering the bank card on this Symfony application, well, it doesn't display the form reques...

Ludovic Frank - Freelance developer
Ludovic Frank
May 8, 2023