Most Read Articles

The counter takes into account the actual number of views, when someone stays on the page less than 5 seconds, it doesn't count 😛

Why aren't your publications visible on the networks?
Why aren't your publications visible on the networks?

88 reads
Category: Social networking
Level: Beginner

New week, new article, how are you? Well, the title isn't crazy, we agree, but SEO and all that ... You're present on social networks, you have subscribers, relations ... etc. (in short, there are people in your network!), but when you publish something, your publication reaches few people ... so you ask yourself "But WHY? "I'd say, "That's just the way it is, life's unfair", but that'd be pointless and would evade the question.... Social networks are private companies I think it's wort...

Ludovic Frank - Freelance developer
Ludovic Frank
Apr 5, 2021
What is software as a service?
What is software as a service?

88 reads
Category: Economy
Level: Beginner

It's hot out there, ah yes, but no, that's not the topic of the day ... are you okay? This week we're back to the notion of "software as a service", or to put it more "stylishly" (or not), "Software as a Service" abbreviated as "SaaS". When Microsoft announced Windows 10, they said "this will be the latest version of Windows, it will be a SaaS" ... OK well, what about the upcoming arrival of Windows 11? ????. What? I'm looking for the little beast? I don't know what you're talking about ......

Ludovic Frank - Freelance developer
Ludovic Frank
Jun 21, 2021
How important is the user experience?
How important is the user experience?

87 reads
Category: Development
Level: Beginner

How are you? Last week, the "Ludo Dev E-Shop" explanatory page was released. On this page, it's explained that the emphasis has been placed on the user experience, and that everything has been done to try and keep the experience as simple as possible. Behind this interface, there's a lot of technology (full automation), but is this technology alone enough? In this week's article, we're going to talk about the user experience, and how to make it a pleasant one. For this, I'm going to use t...

Ludovic Frank - Freelance developer
Ludovic Frank
Jan 10, 2022
How can I manage several languages in a Sylius store?
How can I manage several languages in a Sylius store?

87 reads
Category: Web development
Level: intermediate

A new article on Sylius is available. I was sure I'd already told you about Sylius, but it seems I haven't, so here goes! Sylius is an e-commerce solution based on our beloved Symfony framework (we've already told you all about it on the blog, though?). Imagine being able to manage an online store and configure it from start to finish, all while benefiting from all the advantages and functionalities offered by Symfony - doesn't that sound dreamy? Well, that's not all, because Sylius...

Josselin Dionisi - Freelance developer
Josselin Dionisi
Apr 19, 2023
What's the difference between freelance and fixed-price contracts?
What's the difference between freelance and fixed-price contracts?

86 reads
Category: Freelancing
Level: Beginner

Hello, good morning 😁, To kick off 2023, we're going to talk about freelancing, and more specifically about the different ways of working in the freelancing world. As you'll have gathered from the title, the two most common working methods are agency and fixed-price... but késako? 😛 Contract work Let's start with this, because it's very widespread, especially when the client is a large group. In fact, freelancing is very similar to salaried employment. F...

Ludovic Frank - Freelance developer
Ludovic Frank
Jan 4, 2023
Lightning Network, the payment system of tomorrow?
Lightning Network, the payment system of tomorrow?

85 reads
Category: Blockchain
Level: Confirmed beginner

Hello ?, This week we meet again for an article talking about the cryosphere. I'd rather say in advance that this article won't be super-specialized from a technical point of view, its aim is to introduce you to the technology, and for those who wish to go further, I'll let you sand down your favorite search engine? If you like, you can take a look at my article on blockchain and Bitcoin, which I wrote a few months ago. Bitcoin, a store of value Today in the world of finance, Bitcoin...

Ludovic Frank - Freelance developer
Ludovic Frank
Feb 28, 2022
How do I create a website?
How do I create a website?

84 reads
Category: Web development
Level: Beginner

There are several ways of creating a website, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. But first of all, you need to ask yourself the right questions? Why this site? What needs should it meet? Is it a store? Is it a blog? Is it a showcase site? Does it need to be highly interactive (like an application)? Does it need to be SEO-friendly? Once we've answered these questions, we have several options open to us, including two main ones: Custom development. In this case, we create th...

Ludovic Frank - Freelance developer
Ludovic Frank
Oct 5, 2020
What technologies will replace JQuery?
What technologies will replace JQuery?

84 reads
Category: Web development
Level: Confirmed beginner

Hi there! In response to some of my latest articles, a few of you have sent me a quick e-mail asking "But ... in legacy applications, what do I replace JQuery with?" So, when a question comes up, you know what we do? We write an article ... for everyone to enjoy. Bootstrap 5, the final stage in JQuery's demise? Let's take a quick look at some history. JQuery arrived on planet Earth in 2006. Back then, there was a big problem on the web (it was called Internet Explorer?, roh ç...

Ludovic Frank - Freelance developer
Ludovic Frank
Apr 12, 2022
How do I manage ChatGPT prompts on macOS?
How do I manage ChatGPT prompts on macOS?

84 reads
Category: Artificial intelligence
Level: Beginner

Salutation voyageur? (what? what plagia?), On this blog, there hasn't yet been an article on chatGPT, why? Quite simply, because if it's to tell you the same thing you've already seen elsewhere, there's no point. So I've been waiting for something interesting and useful to tell you, and it looks like I've got one. If you're using ChatGPT, you must have accumulated quite a few prompts for communicating with it, and then after a while you realize that "copy/paste" isn't the most practical...

Ludovic Frank - Freelance developer
Ludovic Frank
May 8, 2023
How to use native sharing via a web page?
How to use native sharing via a web page?

83 reads
Category: Web development
Level: Confirmed

Sharing resources is at the heart of the Internet, and social networking buttons can be found on all kinds of sites, making it easy to share content so that others can enjoy it. On Android, this has been possible for some time, but on IOS and macOS it's only been available since version 12.1 of Safari. This article will be very brief, showing how to use this API. window.navigator.share This is the name of the function for sharing via the native window of the operating system, iOS or Andro...

Ludovic Frank - Freelance developer
Ludovic Frank
Feb 2, 2021