Dev's blog

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How do you code a project for several people?
How do you code a project for several people?

95 reads
Category: Development
Level: Confirmed beginner

What does it mean to code with several people? As developers, you're geeks who work alone from home, aren't you? Well, not quite. In fact, if we just coded alone, we wouldn't get very far as developers. Helping each other and working together are the pillars of the IT world. So today we're going to take a look at the main forms that exist, and why they're useful in your apprenticeship or career as a developer? Peer-programming One of the best-known and most natural forms of mutual a...

Josselin Dionisi - Freelance developer
Josselin Dionisi
May 16, 2022
What is the Hacker Spirit?
What is the Hacker Spirit?

82 reads
Category: Brico Hack
Level: Confirmed

Oh no, did he say hacker, like too dark, behind black screens and all? Actually, no, in people's minds, a "hacker" is malicious and does some pretty uncool stuff, but actually, no. Hackers are already divided into "white hats" and "black hats", the former being harmless, while the latter are not so nice. This week, we're going to talk about the "hacker spirit". Of course, that's my own definition, and others will have other visions? My definition of the hacker spirit A hack is a "d...

Ludovic Frank - Freelance developer
Ludovic Frank
May 9, 2022
Why do I love being a Symfony developer?
Why do I love being a Symfony developer?

115 reads
Category: Web development
Level: Confirmed beginner

Hello there, Like every week, we're getting together for a little article. This week, I'm going to write an article that's been on my mind for a long time. We're going to talk about Symfony and why it's my framework of choice as a web developer. Are you ready? Let's get started! My discovery of Symfony In fact, in my life as a developer, my first encounter with Symfony went very badly... It wasn't its fault or mine. The first time I met him, I was a student, already quite geeky, cod...

Ludovic Frank - Freelance developer
Ludovic Frank
May 2, 2022
How do you find the best tech talent in 2024?
How do you find the best tech talent in 2024?

64 reads
Category: Tech tips
Level: Beginner

Foreword: In this article I'm going to put a lot of emphasis on Le Journal du Hacker, its community and everything that revolves around it. there is no commercial agreement, they don't even know I'm writing this article... When I publish a Tech article, I'm lucky enough to be read by the Journal du Hacker community, and I get feedback by e-mail, always with great benevolence and kindness. So I'd like to take this opportunity to give them a wink: thanks, guys, you're the best! My life in T...

Ludovic Frank - Freelance developer
Ludovic Frank
Apr 26, 2022
My experiences with IT and dev
My experiences with IT and dev

107 reads
Category: About Ludo
Level: Beginner

This text was on the home page of the site, but after updating it I decided to move it to the blog? 1998 - Discovering computers At elementary school, I discovered computers. At the time, Windows 95 was the star product, and I fell in love with these machines. A teacher, noticing this growing passion, decided to encourage it by giving me a computer; it was a Compaq, with a 486 processor and 4 MB RAM. At the same time, I got an Amstrad CPC equipped with BASIC, which marked the beginning of...

Ludovic Frank - Freelance developer
Ludovic Frank
Apr 21, 2022
What technologies will replace JQuery?
What technologies will replace JQuery?

83 reads
Category: Web development
Level: Confirmed beginner

Hi there! In response to some of my latest articles, a few of you have sent me a quick e-mail asking "But ... in legacy applications, what do I replace JQuery with?" So, when a question comes up, you know what we do? We write an article ... for everyone to enjoy. Bootstrap 5, the final stage in JQuery's demise? Let's take a quick look at some history. JQuery arrived on planet Earth in 2006. Back then, there was a big problem on the web (it was called Internet Explorer?, roh ç...

Ludovic Frank - Freelance developer
Ludovic Frank
Apr 12, 2022
What content do you need to rank on Google?
What content do you need to rank on Google?

102 reads
Category: Search engine optimization (SEO)
Level: Beginner

Good morning, good morning? The sun's back, but we've got a lot more to do than that, so we've got to get to work! More and more of you are coming to read what I have to say, and most of that traffic is coming from ... Come on, look carefully ... Yes, that's right, "Google Search". In fact, that's normal, it's been over a year now since this site was created and as a result I'm starting to appear on Google (and other search engines) and I'll be appearing even more in a year's time, and even...

Ludovic Frank - Freelance developer
Ludovic Frank
Apr 10, 2022
What if the web was simple again?
What if the web was simple again?

96 reads
Category: Web development
Level: Beginner

Good morning, So we're starting to enjoy the sun again? You are so right! But what about work? This week, we're going to talk about the Web, its evolution, why it's become a mess and how to breathe again? If you're a company passing through and don't have time to read everything, here's a simple question: Are you Facebook? No ? Then why use the same methods and tools as a company with unlimited resources? For those who want to go further, we continue. The 1990s, the birth of the Intern...

Ludovic Frank - Freelance developer
Ludovic Frank
Mar 29, 2022
What is git and versioning?
What is git and versioning?

81 reads
Category: Development
Level: Beginner

Last time, I told you about CI/CD right here I don't know if you thought it was cool, but today we're going to talk about Git itself. "You've already explained to us, though, that it's meant to deploy our code online, is there anything else?" Yes, CI/CD is only part of what Git can be used for. Indeed, its primary use is versioning. Behind this rather barbaric name lies something that is both very useful and almost magical. Yes, it is. "What's this guy trying to sell us now? Noth...

Josselin Dionisi - Freelance developer
Josselin Dionisi
Mar 25, 2022
How do you code a decentralized app (dApp)?
How do you code a decentralized app (dApp)?

69 reads
Category: Web development
Level: Confirmed

Hello? How are you? Once again this week, we're going to talk about blockchain, but this time from a more dev point of view than the other times. Did you know that it's possible to develop on blockchain? Let's talk about it. Is a decentralized application (dApp) completely decentralized? As I write these lines, there are points of centralization in these applications, in fact it's relatively simple to understand "why? "These dApps run in a browser, but a browser only recognizes a fe...

Ludovic Frank - Freelance developer
Ludovic Frank
Mar 15, 2022