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Lightning Network, the payment system of tomorrow?
Lightning Network, the payment system of tomorrow?

85 reads
Category: Blockchain
Level: Confirmed beginner

Hello ?, This week we meet again for an article talking about the cryosphere. I'd rather say in advance that this article won't be super-specialized from a technical point of view, its aim is to introduce you to the technology, and for those who wish to go further, I'll let you sand down your favorite search engine? If you like, you can take a look at my article on blockchain and Bitcoin, which I wrote a few months ago. Bitcoin, a store of value Today in the world of finance, Bitcoin...

Ludovic Frank - Freelance developer
Ludovic Frank
Feb 28, 2022
What is CI/CD?
What is CI/CD?

110 reads
Category: Development
Level: intermediate

Just like Github or Docker, most of today's developers have come across this strange collection of letters. Well, today we're going to tell you what it means, what it is and what it's for! Continuous Integration(CI) and Continuous Deployment(CD) are steps in the versioning of your code. In fact, if you'd like us to explain versioning, Git and all that follows in another article, don't hesitate to let us know! Continuous integration This stage consists of carrying out a battery of te...

Josselin Dionisi - Freelance developer
Josselin Dionisi
Feb 14, 2022
Buying cheese with Bitcoin? It's possible
Buying cheese with Bitcoin? It's possible

100 reads
Category: Web development
Level: intermediate

Hello hello hello, Today, we're going to talk about my latest little adventure: enabling a 142-year-old company to accept cryptocurrencies. Setting the scene I've been working with Les Frères Marchand, for over a year now, at first we made a website together (it was Ludo Dev CMS's second instance), then we got the urge to create an online cheese shop together, which has been online since September 2021. On this cheese shop, everything is automated to simplify life for customers...

Ludovic Frank - Freelance developer
Ludovic Frank
Feb 9, 2022
Bootstrap user? Try Tailwind
Bootstrap user? Try Tailwind

98 reads
Category: Web development
Level: Confirmed

I bootstrap, you bootstrap, he bootstrap, we bootstrap... Oulah, what's wrong with me ... ? Hello, hello? This week, we're going to talk about CSS, and more specifically about CSS frameworks, the best-known of which is Bootstrap, and the new kid on the block, Tailwind, who's trying to steal its number 1 spot... Bootstrap released in 2011 This framework arrived at a time when the web looked nothing like it does today - just to give you another date, Chrome came out 3 years before. B...

Ludovic Frank - Freelance developer
Ludovic Frank
Jan 25, 2022
How important is the user experience?
How important is the user experience?

87 reads
Category: Development
Level: Beginner

How are you? Last week, the "Ludo Dev E-Shop" explanatory page was released. On this page, it's explained that the emphasis has been placed on the user experience, and that everything has been done to try and keep the experience as simple as possible. Behind this interface, there's a lot of technology (full automation), but is this technology alone enough? In this week's article, we're going to talk about the user experience, and how to make it a pleasant one. For this, I'm going to use t...

Ludovic Frank - Freelance developer
Ludovic Frank
Jan 10, 2022
Why isn't MYSQL a search engine?
Why isn't MYSQL a search engine?

113 reads
Category: Web development
Level: intermediate

Hey there. How are you? Good, not too cold? so much the better! This week's article is for my fellow developers, and we're going to talk about search ... but real search! I often see MYSQL used as a search engine ... It's a fact! In the projects I've worked on, I've often seen this database management system (or MariaDB or Postgresql) used as a search engine, with things like "where my_attribute LIKES '%blabla%". And this is a very bad practice... What's the real use of a relational...

Ludovic Frank - Freelance developer
Ludovic Frank
Nov 8, 2021
What is SEO?
What is SEO?

104 reads
Category: Search engine optimization (SEO)
Level: Beginner

Hey, hello there! It's been a long time ... during the vacations I didn't write much ... that's true, but I've been working on a lot of exciting things that I'll tell you about soon, I promise! So here we are, September's here and we're back into our rhythm? All that, all that...? As you'll have gathered from this fine title, today's topic is "SEO". What is SEO? SEO stands for "Search Engine Optimization", pure and simple, the work you have to do to get to the top of Google. And in the...

Ludovic Frank - Freelance developer
Ludovic Frank
Sep 27, 2021
How important are updates?
How important are updates?

77 reads
Category: Computer security
Level: Beginner

Ah, updates! You must see dozens of them every day. It's time-consuming, it's inconvenient, if they're launched when you're busy (hello Windows?). But then... Yes. But it's important. An update is never done by chance, and its main purpose is to correct bugs and, above all, security flaws. "What do you mean? You're developers and you don't code properly? " It's a little more complicated than that. Indeed, even if the error remains human, flaws generally occur AFTER a product has bee...

Josselin Dionisi - Freelance developer
Josselin Dionisi
Sep 14, 2021
Why can't we create a fake health pass?
Why can't we create a fake health pass?

79 reads
Category: Computer security
Level: Beginner

Hi there, how are your vacations going? Today we're talking about a subject that's all too trendy: the health pass (yes, I'm still in vogue!). What do you mean? Another thorny subject? But no, no ... it'll pass. This article is in the same vein as "the HTTPS padlock" and "ransomware", because the health pass uses cryptography, but not for encryption. Ready to go? Let's get started! How do I get a free health pass? Ah! that's why you're here (you little rascal?), OK, I'm going to give y...

Ludovic Frank - Freelance developer
Ludovic Frank
Jul 28, 2021
What is developer work (really)?
What is developer work (really)?

79 reads
Category: Development
Level: Beginner

What's that? What do you mean "I like thorny subjects"? Well, no ... it's just that I'm tired of reading anything ... Otherwise, how are you? Do you "coo" (yes, from the verb "coo"...) quietly during your vacations? Oh, no vacation? Well, so much the worse? Well, back to the point (big, big expression...), this article came to me from the realization that my job is often misunderstood and often I see things ... it's complicated. So why am I taking the liberty of writing about it? Well,...

Ludovic Frank - Freelance developer
Ludovic Frank
Jul 7, 2021