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The counter takes into account the actual number of views, when someone stays on the page less than 5 seconds, it doesn't count 😛

What is Symfony and why use it?
What is Symfony and why use it?

107 reads
Category: Web development
Level: :

Hello 🙂, If you follow this blog at all, you'll know that I really like the Symfony framework. In fact, it's my preferred choice for all my projects (even this blog ...). When you're doing web development, you'll probably have noticed that there's a lot of repetition. Imagine you want to create a simple web application that lets users create "to-dos" and save them - yes, it's a classic... ? Before creating your to-do application, you'll need to (non-exhaustive list) : Cre...

Ludovic Frank - Freelance developer
Ludovic Frank
May 21, 2023
What makes a good developer?
What makes a good developer?

106 reads
Category: Technology and business
Level: :

Hello there, This week we're going to talk about what makes a good developer, but not in the way you might think. The idea for this article comes from the discussions I have with my customers and why they enjoy working with me. This article also comes from the fact that, last weekend, I was taking a look at the state of the infrastructure on which this site (and the customers) are hosted, and in two years a lot has happened.... Are you ready? Then let's get started. What this artic...

Ludovic Frank - Freelance developer
Ludovic Frank
Feb 6, 2023
How do you back up your data?
How do you back up your data?

105 reads
Category: Computer security
Level: :

Following the fire in a datacenter in France, I saw reactions on social networks such as "I've got my company in your servers", which gave me the idea of writing this article.Of course, it's not the owner of the data center who's to blame here, but accidents like this do happen, so you need to be prepared. By having a data backup strategy. Can you imagine? Losing your accounting data? I've already touched on this subject in my article "How to protect yourself from ransomware". The disaster r...

Ludovic Frank - Freelance developer
Ludovic Frank
Mar 23, 2021
Why use dual authentication?
Why use dual authentication?

105 reads
Category: Web development
Level: :

The what? What's this now? No, I'm sure you've already heard of it. Double authentication, often referred to under the acronym 2FA (for 2 Factors Authentication), is the principle of requiring 2 proofs of identity from a user to connect to a site, app or service. So here's a scoop: you've all used this before, and for a very long time. And yes, when you withdraw money from a cash dispenser (or make a contact payment with your bank card), it's 2FA. You use your card itself, with its number a...

Josselin Dionisi - Freelance developer
Josselin Dionisi
Jun 10, 2021
What applications do I use on a daily basis?
What applications do I use on a daily basis?

105 reads
Category: Tech tips

Hello and good morning, This week I'm going to give you a short list of the applications I use on a daily basis, and more importantly ... why? First of all, I'm not talking about licenses here, and even less about commercial practices. Yes, I know that in this article I'm going to talk about companies that have commercial practices that not everyone agrees with, but I'm not going to deal with that, so try to keep that in mind when reading this article. How do I choose my tools? Actual...

Ludovic Frank - Freelance developer
Ludovic Frank
Jun 13, 2022
How to capture your screen as an animated GIF?
How to capture your screen as an animated GIF?

105 reads
Category: Tech tips
Level: :

Hello, hello?, The last article was about PowerToys and how they improve productivity in Windows. To make this article more fun, I thought it might be a good idea to capture my screen and give it to you as a GIF... So, in this week's article, we're going to look at how to capture your screen in GIF format, on Windows and macOS. Yes, we're doing an "articleCeption" here, having as much fun as we can? Are you ready? Let's get started! Capturing your screen in GIF format, on Windows...

Ludovic Frank - Freelance developer
Ludovic Frank
Apr 3, 2023
How do I use PageSpeed on a local site?
How do I use PageSpeed on a local site?

105 reads
Category: Web development
Level: :

Hello over here 🙂, It's been a while since I took the time to write on the blog, and yes, I had a lot of work 😁. Don't worry I haven't forgotten you, during my big work period I've been using PageSpeed a lot, and that's what we're going to talk about today. Let's get started 😛 What is PageSpeed? PageSpeed is a web application, available to every web developer on the planet. It was introduced at Google's developer conference in 2010, but I've mostly been h...

Ludovic Frank - Freelance developer
Ludovic Frank
Feb 19, 2024
How can I reduce the size of my CSS files?
How can I reduce the size of my CSS files?

104 reads
Category: Web development
Level: :

Hello there, Today we're going to talk about weight loss, so no, I'm not going to talk to you about exercising (come back soon!?), but about how to reduce the size of your CSS files. In addition to helping the planet, you'll also gain in performance on your websites and web applications. Ready to get started? Let's get started! (What do you mean? You've already left?) CSS resource compression, the basics So, I'll tell you right now, that's not the point of this article. In fact, I'll r...

Ludovic Frank - Freelance developer
Ludovic Frank
Sep 12, 2022
Arc, the browser for power-users?
Arc, the browser for power-users?

104 reads
Category: Tech tips
Level: :

Hey there! 🙂 To read this article, you use a software, this software is so present in your life that now, for you it seems "part of the scenery". I'm talking, of course, about your browser 😛. Over the last ten years, we're not going to lie to ourselves, there's been one all-category champion who's been raking in all the market share, well, especially on the "desktop", I'm talking of course about Google Chrome. On mobile, this is less true, with Apple forcing the use of...

Ludovic Frank - Freelance developer
Ludovic Frank
Feb 20, 2023
My experiences with IT and dev
My experiences with IT and dev

103 reads
Category: About Ludo
Level: :

This text was on the home page of the site, but after updating it I decided to move it to the blog? 1998 - Discovering computers At elementary school, I discovered computers. At the time, Windows 95 was the star product, and I fell in love with these machines. A teacher, noticing this growing passion, decided to encourage it by giving me a computer; it was a Compaq, with a 486 processor and 4 MB RAM. At the same time, I got an Amstrad CPC equipped with BASIC, which marked the beginning of...

Ludovic Frank - Freelance developer
Ludovic Frank
Apr 21, 2022