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Bootstrap user? Try Tailwind
Bootstrap user? Try Tailwind

96 reads
Category: Web development
Level: :

I bootstrap, you bootstrap, he bootstrap, we bootstrap... Oulah, what's wrong with me ... ? Hello, hello? This week, we're going to talk about CSS, and more specifically about CSS frameworks, the best-known of which is Bootstrap, and the new kid on the block, Tailwind, who's trying to steal its number 1 spot... Bootstrap released in 2011 This framework arrived at a time when the web looked nothing like it does today - just to give you another date, Chrome came out 3 years before. B...

Ludovic Frank - Freelance developer
Ludovic Frank
Jan 25, 2022
What is WEBP and why use it?
What is WEBP and why use it?

96 reads
Category: Web development
Level: :

Hello there, This week we're going to be talking about image formats. In fact, this article follows on from my article on CSS, and we're going to be talking about optimizing sits, in this case images. First of all, we'll review the older image formats, find out how to optimize them and finally talk about WEBP. We'll even see how it's possible to have a site or application that uses this format automatically, as is the case on the site you're currently visiting. Other image formats We'...

Ludovic Frank - Freelance developer
Ludovic Frank
Oct 10, 2022
What if the web was simple again?
What if the web was simple again?

95 reads
Category: Web development
Level: :

Good morning, So we're starting to enjoy the sun again? You are so right! But what about work? This week, we're going to talk about the Web, its evolution, why it's become a mess and how to breathe again? If you're a company passing through and don't have time to read everything, here's a simple question: Are you Facebook? No ? Then why use the same methods and tools as a company with unlimited resources? For those who want to go further, we continue. The 1990s, the birth of the Intern...

Ludovic Frank - Freelance developer
Ludovic Frank
Mar 29, 2022
How do I use Stimulus with iintl-tel-input?
How do I use Stimulus with iintl-tel-input?

95 reads
Category: Web development
Level: :

When I was writing an application using Stimulus and needed to use intl-tel-input, I came across this "Github issue". What's going on between Stimulus and intl-tel-input? In fact, to work, intl-tel-input clones the base element, so if you link this base element to a Stimulus controller, and it's this controller that instantiates intl-tel-input, you'll need to use intl-tel-input.If you link this base element to a Stimulus controller, and it's this controller that instantiates intl-tel-inpu...

Ludovic Frank - Freelance developer
Ludovic Frank
May 19, 2022
How to imitate OpenSearch with a Chrome extension?
How to imitate OpenSearch with a Chrome extension?

95 reads
Category: Web development
Level: :

Hello there, This week's article comes from an observation I made recently. Before, in Chrome, when you visited a site that offered OpenSearch, it automatically added it to the browser's search engines, so all you had to do was type "a keyword" + space and start searching directly from the browser's omnibox. This browser behavior has recently changed (perhaps for the better, as it prevents anything and everything from being added to the browser). Now, in Chromium (and therefore Chrome and...

Ludovic Frank - Freelance developer
Ludovic Frank
May 8, 2023
What is object-oriented programming?
What is object-oriented programming?

95 reads
Category: Development
Level: :

Hello, hello? Have you ever watched a child playing with "Legos"? Stacked one on top of the other, they create complex structures that are both unique and fundamentally similar, because they all share the same basic elements... What if I told you that playing with Legos is a bit like our topic for today... Welcome to the concept of object-oriented programming (OOP)! It may sound like an obscure concept, a maze of jargon designed to confuse, but fear not, it will! We're about to emba...

Ludovic Frank - Freelance developer
Ludovic Frank
May 12, 2023
How do you collect payments from a B2B SaaS?
How do you collect payments from a B2B SaaS?

94 reads
Category: Technology and business
Level: :

Hello there 🙂, Thank you for clicking on this article, I hope you like it 😁. Today, we're going to talk tech, but for many of you it's going to be a little less fun than usual, to be able to sell your SaaS in the hexagon, you have to go through the "invoicing" box, the problem is that it can be time-consuming and waste time... I'd like to take this opportunity to tell you what "B2B" means. I'm sure some of you already know, but just so everyone is clear: "B2B" stands fo...

Ludovic Frank - Freelance developer
Ludovic Frank
Apr 17, 2024
My transition to Docker - Part 2
My transition to Docker - Part 2

92 reads
Category: Web development
Level: :

Following my first article, I was now able to run a development environment to create Symfony projects. Okay, that was all well and good, but for the moment it was only running locally on my MacBook, and that's no way to host a site. Since shared servers are already a hell of a thing to configure for a simple site, I didn't dare imagine running Docker on them. So I opted for a dedicated server from Scaleway and once I'd placed the order, I installed Docker on Ubuntu 20.04. I organize...

Josselin Dionisi - Freelance developer
Josselin Dionisi
Feb 23, 2021
Why a website won't increase your visibility
Why a website won't increase your visibility

92 reads
Category: Digitization
Level: :

Come on, this week I'm making enemies! Here we go! Since the beginning of the crisis, we've been seeing "Get a website and increase your visibility" all over the place. Watch out! Hold on to your hats, a huge "scoop" is coming: a site costing just a few euros a month won't bring you ... ANYTHING. What's that? What do you mean you knew? Ah yes, nothing worthwhile in life is easy to achieve... that's true. What's a website for? Let's say you had your "" website made,...

Ludovic Frank - Freelance developer
Ludovic Frank
Apr 27, 2021
How do I edit a slug in Symfony?
How do I edit a slug in Symfony?

92 reads
Category: Web development
Level: :

This week's article is all about developers, yes ... there's something for everyone. How are you? Whit Monday and all that ... yeah well, that's no reason to get up and get to work. What's a slug? For the guys at the back, we'll remind you what a slug is. It's a "string" normalized so that it can be inserted into a URL, for example on the article you're reading in your address bar there's no "index.php?article=49" because well .... it's ugly (if it's ugly, that's all.), a nice URL that l...

Ludovic Frank - Freelance developer
Ludovic Frank
May 24, 2021